RN-SIMTEP is a software package for modeling technological processes in transportation, treatment and primary processing of well products. It is designed to solve problems at the stage of oil fields design and operation.

The software is available in Windows versionInformation on the software price and purchase conditions will be provided upon requestListed in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases

What's new

New versions of RN-SIMTEP are released monthly.

08.30.2024 Version

08.30.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • Production wells are now simulated using Black-oil fluid models;
  • More features of generating pseudo-components using distillation data;
  • The flowsheet is now highlighted depending on hazard levels of temperature, pressure and velocity of gas, fluid and mixture;
  • The objects can now be included and excluded on the diagram via Object Browser;
  • Density calculation under normal conditions is implemented;
  • Calculations of the Gathering system equilibrium model are now quicker on Black-oil models;
  • The speed of horizontal flare calculation is increased;
  • During calculation by time, the time scale now highlights the step at which the calculation ends with an error;
  • Calculation of dew point temperature for water is corrected;
  • Generation of VFP tables for pipelines is corrected.
07.30.2024 Version

07.30.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • Flowsheet calculations using compositional fluids are accelerated;
  • Volumetric flow rates under normal conditions are now calculated;
  • The interface (API) for creating third-party modules (plug-ins) is implemented;
  • Flowsheet parameters are now connected with MS Excel via Object Browser;
  • UOM of water ionic composition are now converted correctly during scale calculation;
  • Flow regime calculation in the TulsaUnified2Ph multiphase flow method is corrected.
06.25.2024 Version

06.25.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • More features of the “re-cycle” object: it is now possible to set parameters, flow rate and flow composition at the object;
  • Reports on time-based parameters are optimized;
  • The speed of pipeline network calculation using composite fluids is increased;
  • Flowsheet creation based on the Company's standard design documentation is optimized;
  • Calculation of specific pressure drop and TEG density is corrected;
  • Copy-paste function is corrected on the equilibrium network.
05.31.2024 Version

05.31.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • Flowsheets can now be created based on the Company's standard design documentation;
  • More features of air cooler calculations: it is now possible to calculate outlet flow temperature using the specified flow rate and air temperature;
  • Display of net calorific value during flare calculations is added;
  • It is now possible to move along the time scale to any date when calculating by time;
  • During pipelines strength calculations, steel mechanical properties can be selected from the database of standards;
  • Display of flow velocity in pipes and other parameters in report forms are corrected.
04.26.2024 Version

04.26.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • Viscosity can now be calculated by two or more experimental points using the Compositional model;
  • “Adiabatic index” parameter is added into Calculation results in the BlackOil model;
  • A new UOM is added for water ionic composition – mg/l;
  • Messages are now grouped by type on “Log” tab;
  • During a multivariate calculation, it is now possible to select the rows from the entire list of variable parameters on which the calculation will be based;
  • The two-phase separator can now be imported from the third-party software to model pipeline networks;
  • The BlackOil model parameters “Thermal conductivity of oil” and “Heat capacity of water” are moved to the corresponding tabs “PVT properties of oil” and “PVT properties of water”;
  • Processing, opening and saving big data models is optimized;
  • In calculation by time, the display of steps during their switch on the timeline is corrected in the Property Editor.
03.27.2024 Version

03.27.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • A new element “Two-phase separator” in the panel of objects for Equilibrium calculation of pipeline networks;
  • The choke can now be calculated by a specified diameter;
  • It is now possible to calculate the pit and thermal impact zones for personnel depending on thermal radiation density on “Flare” object;
  • The graph of head-flow characteristics using RPM from the pump nameplate is added onto “Graphs” tab for “Pump” object;
  • The flowsheet can now be calculated for a specific date during the calculation by time ;
  • Information on the calculation progress is moved from the pop-up console to “Log” tab (an additional window will not appear when starting the calculation);
  • It is now possible to exclude objects from the calculation when working with RN-SIMTEP plug-in in MS Excel .
02.27.2024 Version

02.27.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • new features for the “three-phase separator” object: methods for hydraulic resistance calculation and distribution of dispersed particles;
  • more methods of pipeline strength calculations;
  • the interface for creating a custom component and working with distillation data is modified;
  • the pumping equipment database is expanded;
  • the interface of the object properties editor for calculations by dates is modified;
  • Parrish-Prausnitz method for hydrate formation temperature calculation, accounting for the inhibitor;
  • data import into object browser from MS Excel is corrected.
01.30.2024 Version

01.30.2024 Version

New improvements:

  • more features of “local resistance” object: it is now possible to calculate expansion and contraction;
  • data import and export into the object browser from MS Excel is expanded for the pipe, separator, pump, furnace, cooler, heater, etc.;
  • the results of complications calculation are now included into the report on pipeline network nodes;
  • PVT model can now be adapted using Vcrit parameter;
  • when specifying the pressure drop or outlet pressure, the diameter calculation is corrected;
  • pipeline network model import is corrected;
  • calculation of hydrate formation temperature is corrected.
11.29.2023 Version

11.29.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • Adsorption/desorption calculation, a new object – Adsorber;
  • Calculation of carryover in separators accounting for equipment geometry;
  • Amine treatment calculation, a new object – Amine gas treatment;
  • Calculation of glycol gas dehydration, a new object – Absorber;
  • To simulate a pipeline network in equilibrium mode, more available components and new objects have been added: Compressor, Regulator, Refrigerator, Heater, Pressure Reducing Valve, Bean, Saturator, Air Cooler;
  • A new UOM is added for gas content of Black Oil model – m3/t;
  • New features of Splitter object: it is now possible to set mass and molar flow rate of the mixture;
  • Import of Heater and Control Valve objects from third-party software.
12.27.2023 Version

12.27.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • Integrating equilibrium calculation of Gathering system pipeline network with Processing system calculations and RPM system equilibrium;
  • Calculation of the control valve Kv capacity on the vapor-liquid flow;
  • STO Gazprom method implementation for calculating flame radiation from a horizontal flare;
  • It is now possible set calculation methods, liquid content coefficients and friction coefficients for each pipeline locally;
  • It is now possible to select a liquid content coefficient in pipelines when adapting a flowsheet;
  • It is now possible to activate calculations of flame radiation, emission composition and concentration during flare calculation;
  • The user manual is updated: the information on calculation by time and data import via Browser has been added, the objects are described etc.;
  • Reports on pipeline network nodes can now be generated;
  • More parameters for reporting;
  • Import of subflowsheets from the hydraulic calculation module of third-party software;
  • More features of distillation calculation.
10.10.2023 Version

10.10.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • A library of pumping equipment with head and rate specifications has been added for Pump object;
  • A strength calculation of the recommended pipeline wall thickness for safe operation has been implemented;
  • Control valve object has been added to the pipe network equilibrium calculation;
  • An option has been added to disable SVP and DPT (saturated vapor pressure and dew point temperature) parameters to speed up the calculations of treatment objects;
  • The message field has been optimized - Status, Log and Recommendations windows are highlighted.
09.11.2023 Version

09.11.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • In reports on flows and objects it is now possible to customize the list of displayed parameters and export reports for the time period during calculation by dates;
  • Dynamic oil viscosity can now be set using kinematic viscosity values for BlackOil model;
  • In the pipeline editor, line is now highlighted when editing segment parameters, and the required columns can be fixed in the table;
  • It is now possible to add components in the right order when forming a set of components;
  • VFP table files can now be saved to the required folder;
  • It is now possible to set the simulation period in time using the starting and ending dates and the number of time steps.
08.10.2023 Version

08.10.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • a new item of equipment is added to the object panel – Absorber;
  • it is now possible to set emulsion viscosity via the user table for the fluid model;
  • it is now possible to set degassed oil viscosity via the user table for the BlackOil fluid model;
  • VFP tables for the pipeline network can now be generated using the BlackOil fluid model;
  • it is now possible to change the font and its size for object and flow captions, as well as property tables on the flowsheet;
  • the Start window is optimized: actions for creating, opening, importing models, as well as access to templates and recent projects are collected on the Getting Started tab.
07.05.2023 Version

07.05.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • calculation of hydrate formation conditions, taking into account inhibitor dosage, as well as the estimated inhibitor consumption to prevent hydrate formation;
  • it is now possible to perform model calculations in Excel;
  • a new method to split the components – using the TBP;
  • Totalizer calculation is expanded by setting pressure and temperature on the output stream;
  • a single-phase flow calculation method is displayed for information in project settings.
06.05.2023 Version

06.05.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • A database of soils and insulation is added to calculate the heat transfer of pipelines;
  • New calculation parameters are displayed in the interface: specific pressure drop, friction losses, hydrostat losses;
  • Work with a set of components is accelerated;
  • It is now possible to disable logical objects;
  • It is now possible to manage the color of the flowsheet and connections.
05.02.2023 Version

05.02.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • The object library to create flowsheets has been expanded – a new logical element "Logical setpoint" has been developed, it is designed to create dependencies between one or several parameters of various objects simultaneously based on mathematical operations;
  • Saving and opening RN-SIMTEP projects based on the xml file has been implemented;
  • A simplified calculation of the heat exchange area for heat exchange and heating/cooling equipment has been implemented;
  • Calculation of pumping equipment, flare systems and tube furnace has been optimized;
  • It is now possible to sort and filter by generated report content;
  • It is now possible to edit parameters by time in Object Browser.
03.27.2023 Version

03.27.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • A new flowsheet element "Virtual Object" has been implemented, it allows simultaneously simulating various scenarios for flows when changing pressure and temperature conditions and flow rates;
  • The report on flows with flexible settings for displaying parameters can now be exported to Word;
  • It is now possible to search in the Project Tree for easy navigation through flowsheets and fluid models;
  • During calculation by time, a flowsheet check for a specific date has been added to analyze the calculation result;
  • The association of RN-SIMTEP project files has been corrected when they are opened by double-clicking.
02.27.2023 Version

02.27.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • pump head-flow characteristics can now be set to calculate the outlet pressure and power consumption according to specifications;
  • when calculating by dates, it is now possible to change the flowsheet to take into account changes in the structure of surface facilities and additional equipment input/output;
  • Time Calculation Editor is added for more convenient setting of time parameters in a tabular form;
  • in valve adjustment, options have been added to take into account transient processes (inertia) when changing its position;
  • project settings window is improved for quick navigation in custom options.
01.24.2023 Version

01.24.2023 Version

New improvements:

  • sulfur content can now be calculated for black oil fluid model;
  • the list of flare system calculated parameters has been expanded;
  • oil viscosity can now be calculated when mixing flows with various black oil models, the viscosities of which are specified in a tabular form;
  • elements are now sorted in the component set and compositional fluid model;
  • it is now possible to collapse the legend in the flowsheet workspace.
12.23.2022 Version

12.23.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • it is now possible to model independent pipeline systems in one workspace;
  • pipe sample database by outer diameter and wall thickness is extended;
  • an individual object or flowsheet part can now be included in or excluded from the calculation;
  • RN-SIMTEP user manual is updated;
  • data can now be copied to Pipe Editor with automatic addition of segments;
  • the buttons for importing third-party software models have been moved from the toolbar to the File menu.
11.21.2022 Version

11.21.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • a new control module (a template project is available for review - "control model");
  • the control valve functionality has been expanded, now taking into account its opening degree;
  • flare header purge calculation method is implemented (a template project is available for review - "flare system");
  • surrogate models for the following objects: compressor, heater, cooler, air cooler unit.
10.17.2022 Version

10.17.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • pipe network calculation is optimized to minimize calculation time;
  • new flowsheet objects: PID controller, ratio controller, split range controller;
  • a new surrogate modeling module (a template project is available for test use - "machine learning");
  • more components in the database (400+ elements).
09.15.2022 Version

09.15.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • calculation of flare systems for two types of fluid models (black oil, compositional model) is implemented;
  • fluid gas content redefining is implemented on Source;
  • functionality for importing models from RN-KIN is expanded:
    • sorting and exploration are added,
    • it is now possible to add the data source (data of operating practices or forecast),
    • refined fluid model import is implemented,
    • equipment operating time is now taken into account;
  • more imported commercial software models (importing connectors, fluid information, parameters of sources).
08.12.2022 Version

08.12.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • flare systems module is implemented for the composite fluid;
  • it is now possible to adapt pipelines using friction coefficients;
  • methods for calculating saturated vapor pressure, condensation pressure, water and hydrocarbons dew points are corrected;
  • there are more template projects now.
07.18.2022 Version

07.18.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • multivariate calculation is accelerated;
  • a new option to calculate water density in compositional fluid model;
  • settings of emulsion calculation methods moved from project to fluid;
  • hydraulic calculations of piping with a composite fluid are accelerated .
06.16.2022 Version

06.16.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • mixing flows with various compositional models is implemented;
  • mixing flows with various blackoil models is implemented;
  • it is now possible to import/export data on sources and stocks via Object explorer;
  • it is now possible to take into account complications (highly viscous emulsions, ARPD) when calculating multiphase flow in a pipe;
  • a new report is added to analyze the effect of complications (highly viscous emulsions, ARPD) when calculating multiphase flow in a pipe.
05.16.2022 Version

05.16.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • more imported commercial software models (pipeline wall thickness, GOR, water cut at network boundaries, viscosity data);
  • new correlations of pipeline network hydraulic calculation have been added (Tulsa Unified, Mukherjee-Brill);
  • space-saving export of pipeline hydraulic calculation results is added into report templates;
  • phase equilibrium calculation is corrected.
04.14.2022 Version

04.14.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • new equations of state and mixing rules for compositional models are implemented;
  • inflow curve importing is implemented for producing wells based on hydrodynamic model data;
  • pipe profile report is generated in "branch" mode for direct pipeline network calculation;
  • UOM can be selected during profile report generating.
03.14.2022 Version

03.14.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • adapting the parameters of technological models to actual data is accelerated;
  • implementation of the adaptation algorithm for splitter parameters is corrected;
  • it is now possible to use "local resistance" object in the pipeline network equilibrium calculation;
  • correlations for calculating the friction resistance coefficient are implemented on local resistances.
02.14.2022 Version

02.14.2022 Version

New improvements:

  • a new method for calculating thermal conductivity Steel-Todos has been implemented;
  • it is now possible to select pipeline parameters for all segments during flowsheet adaptation;
  • a new object Local resistance has been developed for calculating hydraulic resistances of bends, tee bends, pipe knees, etc.
01.12.22 Version

01.12.22 Version

New improvements:

  • a new object Saturator for saturating the gas flow with water;
  • additional methods for calculating the viscosity of emulsions: Woelflin Loose, Woelflin Medium, Woelflin Tight;
  • the adaptation module is extended with the possibility of fine adjustment with the help of scales;
  • it is now possible to generate a report on the profile of pipelines based on selecting in the flowsheet;
  • flow search and copying is implemented on the flowsheet;
  • calculation of hydrate formation temperature is corrected.
11.29.21 Version

11.29.21 Version

New improvements:

  • new logical elements: Adjust, Set;
  • the adaptation module is extended with the ability to configure an equilibrium network of pipelines;
  • calculation of user's component parameters by density is implemented;
  • a new method for calculating carbon dioxide corrosion rate – de Waards (1995)-Pipesim.
10.29.21 Version

10.29.21 Version

New improvements:

  • the "property table" is added to the equipment toolbar to view input data and calculation results on the diagram simultaneously;
  • it is now possible to sequentially display calculated parameters of several pipelines in the pipeline profile report;
  • gas moisture calculation for three-phase equilibrium "oil-gas-water" is implemented;
  • import of models from HYSYS is corrected (parameters of carryover, pipeline heat transfer parameters, temperature differences);
  • accounting for heat loss in hydraulic calculations is corrected.
09.30.21 Version

09.30.21 Version

New improvements:

  • it is now possible to determine dead oil viscosity with two points entered by the user;
  • kinematic viscosity parameter is added into the list of properties;
  • it is now possible to open and save project files on network resources;
  • Beggs-Robinson correlation is corrected for dead oil viscosity at low temperatures;
  • import from HYSYS is corrected:
    • import of fractions and water, helium, methanol components;
    • duplication of component sets and fluid models;
    • importing parameters of compressor and heat transfer equipment;
    • importing subflowsheets.
08.31.21 Version

08.31.21 Version

New improvements:

  • the adaptation module is extended: now it is possible to select variable and target parameters of flowsheets located on different Systems (Gathering/Processing/RPM Systems);
  • search for components is added when creating a set of fluid components;
  • the required property search is added into the Properties Table displayed on the flowsheet for the selected object;
  • percent UOMs are updated for water cut and separator carryover;
  • the flowsheet calculation is fixed in case of excess pressure setting.
07.30.21 Version

07.30.21 Version

New improvements:

  • calculating length and frequency of gas-liquid slugs is implemented;
  • now it is possible to vary the fluid model parameters during adaptation;
  • the adaptation module based on user feedback is improved (setting the change step for each variable parameter; quick inclusion/exclusion of variable parameters during adaptation);
  • calculation of gas temperature at the three-phase separator outlet is fixed when setting carryover values.
06.30.21 Version

06.30.21 Version

New improvements:

  • a module for adapting the parameters of flowsheet objects to target values is implemented;
  • the process of opening saved projects is optimized;
  • displaying calculation results at the end of flowsheet calculation is optimized;
  • heat transfer calculation is corrected when ground temperature changes;
  • the rules for connecting objects when creating flowsheets are corrected.
05.31.21 Version

05.31.21 Version

New improvements:

  • calculation of organochlorine compounds in oil was implemented in technological modeling;
  • the interface for specifying the compositional fluid model is modified;
  • scaling of graphs along the Y axis is adjusted;
  • in the object browser (wells and sources) it is now possible to set fluid models.
04.30.21 Version

04.30.21 Version

New improvements:

  • simulation of oil treatment facilities using black oil model is implemented;
  • import of models from RN-KIN is adjusted (connection of gathering and RPM systems diagrams, methods for calculating emulsion viscosity, parameters of RPM system objects);
  • the component database is updated with the data from commercial software.
03.31.21 Version

03.31.21 Version

New improvements:

  • models of oil gathering and RPM pipeline networks can now be imported from RN-KIN;
  • database of components is extended for creating compositional fluid models;
  • the method for calculating multiphase flow can be adjusted depending on the pipe inclination angle;
  • enthalpy calculation correlations are added into creating Black Oil models;
  • the list of parameter restrictions is extended in project settings.
26.02.21 Version

26.02.21 Version

New improvements:

  • date/time dependent flowsheet calculation is implemented (as a sequence of steady states);
  • now it is possible to set the flow type in equilibrium calculation of the pipeline network in black oil mode;
  • setting the way of displaying the objects connecting on the flowsheet is added;
  • import of models from commercial software is implemented.
01.29.21 Version

01.29.21 Version

New improvements:

  • water is added into the database of components;
  • the calculation of three-phase "oil-gas-water" equilibrium is implemented;
  • flow summarizing valve simulation is adjusted in black oil mode;
  • wells are added into the equipment library during oil treatment facility simulation;
  • project reporting is fixed.

Physical and Mathematical Model

Phase equilibrium models

Phase equilibrium models

  • Compositional model of three-phase equilibrium "vapor-liquid-liquid" uses cubic equations of state and Huron-Vidal mixing rules. It takes into account the liquid non-hydrocarbon phase and allows calculating phase equilibrium in the presence of polar components such as water, methanol, glycols etc.
  • Compositional model of equilibrium "vapor-liquid" uses cubic equations of state and classical mixing rules. It has an expanded library of components and allows calculating phase equilibrium in a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions.
  • Three-component Black Oil model, which allows calculating the PVT properties of oil, gas and water according to the selected correlations with minimal laboratory fluid information.
Pipeline network modeling

Pipeline network modeling

  • empirical and mechanistic models for determining the pressure gradient in vertical, horizontal and inclined pipes during the movement of multiphase flows, taking into account the route profile: Beggs-Brill, Ansari, Azis, Xiao
  • analytical and numerical models for determining heat loss taking into account changes in the flow phase state and heat transfer in buried and partially buried pipes
  • determination of PVT parameters at each pipeline section depending on changes in temperature and pressure conditions and phase state
  • modeling of branched pipelines, taking into account crossflows, loopings and loop sections
  • predicting the risks of complications (high viscosity emulsions, corrosion, ARPD, hydrating, scale, organochlorine compounds)
Modeling of oil treatment facilities

Modeling of oil treatment facilities

  • modeling of separation/heat transfer/transport equipment
  • using the laws of mass and heat balance at each facility, taking into account phase flow state changing
  • simulation of process equipment using compositional and Black Oil fluid models
  • simulating various processes of: flash and stage separation, compression, condensation, throttling, flow heat exchange, flow heating/cooling, flow mixing, taking into account phase carryover during separation, equipment power consumption, complications at surface facilities
  • predicting the risks of complications (high viscosity emulsions, corrosion, ARPD, hydrating, scale, organochlorine compounds)
Modeling of gas treatment processes

Modeling of gas treatment processes

  • absorption (glycol) gas dehydration;
  • adsorption gas dehydration;
  • inhibition processes;
  • carryover in a three-phase separator accounting for geometry;
  • flares (vertical and horizontal).


Multifunctional PVT-module

RN-SIMTEP contains an extended database of components, including reference data and parameters from the commercial software.

PVT-module allows:

  • calculating flow PVT properties based on the compositional and Black Oil models in a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions
  • adjusting fluid models according to laboratory data
  • taking into account the solubility of hydrocarbon components in water
  • calculating the content of water vapor and dropping water in the gas phase, taking into account changes in temperature and pressure conditions
Equipment modeling taking into account physical processes

Calculation of flowsheets in RN-SIMTEP takes into accont the following effects:

  • vaporization and condensation in changing temperature and pressure conditions
  • separation accounting for phase carryover
  • compression
  • throttling
  • different types of heat exchange
  • recalculation of the phase state with mixing flows
  • equipment power consumption
  • complications at surface facilities
Joint simulation of gathering, processing and RPM systems

RN-SIMTEP makes it possible to simulate gathering, processing and RPM systems in a single project. This allows implementing an integrated approach to modeling of surface facilities. Joint simulation provides an optimal operating mode and management selection for the whole Gathering/Processing/RPM process chain.

Cost-benefit analysis

RN-SIMTEP makes it possible to conduct an economic evaluation of the field development project. The module for calculating economic indicators is aimed at assessing the cost of development and construction and determining investment efficiency. It is possible to quickly solve the tasks of a pre-design feasibility study based on the surface facilities already modeled in RN-SIMTEP, compare them, and analyze the sensitivity of investment projects.

Analysis of complication risks

It is possible to predict complications (corrosion, ARPD, hydrating, scale) for any surface facility. Based on modeling under various conditions, the optimal management solution is selected to minimize the risks of complications.

Intuitive interface and multiple functionalities

RN-SIMTEP has an intuitive and easily customizable interface, it was developed taking into account the requests of specialists involved in modeling technological processes. Models from commercial software can be imported. New functionality monthly.

RN-SIMTEP Main Tools

PVT Modeling

PVT Modeling

Pipeline Network Modeling

Pipeline Network Modeling

Surface Facilities Modeling

Surface Facilities Modeling

Gas Treatment Modeling

Gas Treatment Modeling

Complications Modeling

Complications Modeling

Standard creating and analyzing process models at surface facilities

Prepairing PVT-models

Prepairing PVT-models

RN-SIMTEP makes it possible to work with compositional and Black Oil fluid models.

Black Oil model creating includes the following operations:

  • input of parameters for fluid characterization
  • selection and adjustment of correlations for calculating phase PVT-properties

Compositional model creating includes the following operations:

  • forming a set of components
  • setting compositional model parameters
Creating a flowsheet

Creating a flowsheet

RN-SIMTEP contains three sections for modeling gathering, processing and RPM systems. Gathering and RPM systems include the subsystems for direct (sequential) calculation and equilibrium calculation (with equilibrium determination at the nodes by the method of contour flow rates). The treatment system section includes various facilities for the treatment of oil, water and gas. Flowsheet creating is the same for all subsystems and includes the following operations:

  • to add Sources, Gutters and other flowsheet objects
  • to connect the objects
  • to set pressure and temperature conditions and flow rates at Sources
  • to set parameters of objects
  • to start simulation
Analysis of results

Analysis of results

RN-SIMTEP contains a number of tools for analyzing simulation results:

  • property editor, which displays the values of PVT-properties, flow rates and phase compositions, parameters for complication risks
  • graphs for viewing pressure and temperature profiles, PVT-properties and individual phases along the pipeline section
  • object explorer to quickly adjust the input data for groups of objects
  • all types of reports



  • E&P

    • modeling of oil and gas wells
    • reservoir modeling
    • modeling of ejectors
    • modeling of objects based on VFP tables
    • linking of external libraries
    • integrated modeling
  • Oil refining and petrochemicals

    • modeling of simple distillation columns
    • modeling of reactors
    • modeling of heat exchangers accounting for geometry