Matrix Acidizing Software

RN-STIM provides all the necessary engineering tools for matrix acidizing design and analysis

РН-СТИМ - Matrix Acidizing Software

The main features of the software

Well construction

Well construction


  • Well trajectory import by coordinates or inclinometry
  • Setting parameters of the wellbore, well sections and restrictions
  • Setting tubing parameters
  • Graphical representation of construction



  • Reservoir properties table
  • Contamination parameters
  • Rock composition
  • PVT properties
  • Well operating mode at the time of shutdown
  • Interactive graphics tablet for data visual presentation
Filter cake

Filter cake

Calculator for the acid volume and time for filter cake dissolving on the wellbore walls. It includes:

  • The table of filter cake parameters, including geometric parameters, composition and dissolving acid
  • Calculated values ​​of dissolution time, residual acid concentration
  • Graphical representation of data in the form of graphs
Model options

Model options

Additional model properties for the near-wellbore zone treatment design:

  • Relative water and oil permeability for various conditions, including those changed during surfactants injection
  • Natural fractures
  • Heat transfer parameters
  • Parameters of interacting diverters and surfactants with rock
  • LCM composition
  • Parameters of suffosion and colmatation of contaminants
  • Two mineral model parameters
Database of fluids

Database of fluids

Five types of fluids stored in the database can be used for the design:

  • Acids and acid compositions
  • Thickened acid compositions
  • Diverters
  • Surfactants
  • Aqueous solutions


Multiple options are available to visualize near-wellbore zone treatment results:

  • 2D maps (porosity, permeability, acid distribution, etc.)
  • 2D graphs (pressure, flow rate, skin factor, productivity, etc.)
  • 3D graphs (zones of post-treatment changes in reservoir properties)
  • Fluids in the well
  • Tabular data

Visualization and export data formats can be customized in all maps and graphs.


Hydrodynamic model

The fluid filtration calculation is based on the reliable hydrodynamic model. The model implements the calculation of one-, two- and three-phase filtration.

Carbonate formations

The matrix acid-etching model and the popular Gong El-Rabaa wormhole growth model are used for near-wellbore zone treatment designs in carbonate formations. Natural fractures are taken into account.

Terrigenous formations

The model of LCM particles etching is used for near-wellbore zone treatment designs in terrigenous formations. The model accounts for suffosion, transfer and clogging of particles. A model of two minerals is implemented for particles containing minerals with widely different etching rates.

Data import

Data import tools are implemented to fill in the initial data to model matrix acidizing: well trajectory, well log interpretation results, lithology, operating mode, PLT.

Multivariate modeling of near-wellbore zone treatment

The multivariate modeling module allows using a variety of algorithms to automatically generate model cases to achieve a specific goal.

Visualization of results

The calculation results are displayed in the form of various maps, graphs and tabular data. More than 35 types of different visual elements are available. It is possible to save different lay-out templates.


  • 3D filtration model

    It will allow:

    • Setting any distribution of reservoir properties over the formation (horizontal/vertical anisotropy), which will allow more accurate study of formation coverage zones with acid compositions in horizontal and inclined wells
    • Calculation of interval-by-interval multi-stage treatment of horizontal wells without 2D approximations
  • Accounting for hydraulic fractures

    It will allow:

    • Acid treatment designs of hydraulically fractured wells
    • Assessment of the acid penetration depth along the fracture
  • Multi-stage treatment

    It will allow:

    • Setting the CT movement during sequential treatment of individual sections
    • Accounting for the possible interference of treatments in adjacent intervals
  • New fluid types

    • Hydrocarbon solvents
    • Sediment-forming diverters
    • New types of surfactants
  • Operation history

    Production analysis based on well operation history, accounting for previous well workover and intervention

  • Integration with RN-KIN

    Direct import of data from RN-KIN allows integration with already developed and implemented software, which will speed up data exchange